Friday, September 12, 2008

The Ultimate Darwinian Experiment?

So every once in a while, scientists around the world come up with something that scares the bejeezus out of everyone. Basically the less intelligent of us out there begin to immediately think that the end is near and that we are fooling around with powers beyond our comprehension. Perhaps that is all true but is it reason enough to prevent scientists from learning more about our world? The latest target of this reaction is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) located along the border of France and Switzerland. Now hard sciences and such were never my strong suit but what I do know about the project is largely what has been reported (or mis-reported) by the media.

To read what the media is implying is to assume that the firing of the LHC will result in the creation of what will essentially be a Black Hole and it will 'suck up' the entire planet and wipe out human existance for all time. Now perhaps that's an over-simplified version of what is to occur but still, if scientists knew for certain that their experimentation would yield results that would have catastrophic results for all mankind, don't you think they would stop the experimentation? I don't think scientists are so infatuated with science and fatalistic to assume that the search for fact outweighs human existance. So then why the panic? The crowd that is against these experiments seems to have foresight into not what will happen but what could potentially happen.

Again I say that if these panic-prone-people had such confidence in their predictions, wouldn't it be possible to provide computed proof that the end of the world could occur if these experiments are carried out? Already preliminary tests leading to the build up of the LHC have been ongoing and though there hasn't been widespread panic among those of us with 'lesser' minds, there has definitely been outspoken concern in many circles. I think that regardless of the outcome, the experiments should be carried out. Now I'm not one to spout religious sentiment or calls for divine intervention but I am one who believes in evolution of the species.

I do believe that dinosaurs were the dominant species on this planet and at one point, cosmic events aligned to lead to their destruction led to our becoming the dominant species on the planet (after many years of evolutionary development). But whether the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteoroid from space or they themselves also developed a particle collider which they set off to destroy themselves, I think the ultimate decider of their and our collective futures was fate. Now some can argue that fate is a belief in religious ideals and I dont' believe it is. Everyone has a choice and that choice has consequences but also those consequences are meant to happen. If we're to set off the LHC and create a black hole which will cause our world to disappear then that's our fate. Nothing can really change that. Perhaps then those naysayers out there will finally accept that Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest was right.

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