Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wanting it Both Ways

So I managed to catch Sarah Palin's interview on Oprah and with Barbara Walters on the internet and I must say that despite claims that these interviews finally helped Palin "reveal her true self to the American people" I don't necessarily believe that it was a good thing that this "true self" was revealed. If anything (for me at least) it only served to reaffirm the low opinion I had of her and what she is attempting to portray herself as to the American public. If she's attempting to improve her chances for a potential Presidential run in four years then I think she better to continue to push hard to improve her image because she is still the awkwardly answering woman who latches onto catchphrases to get her point across.

I say catchphrases but I did notice that in both interviews, she shyed away from using some of her favorite expressions from her days on the campaign trail. These include: "gotcha", "betcha", "Joe Six-Pack", and "Soccer mom" to name a few of the more prevelant ones. However, one of her new phrases, used in relation to her answer as to why she was annoyed with Katie Couric's "What books and magazines do you read?" question from the campaign. She states that she was annoyed at the fact that Katie Couric seemed to be implying that Alaska was replete with a "nomadic" (and that's her new catchphrase for how public perceives the people of Alaska) tribe of people who are ignorant of the rest of the contiguous United States. Now perhaps that's what Katie Couric was implying but now, over a year on from the time the original question was asked, she still refuses to answer the question.

At the time the question was originally asked I did think it was kind of a trick question because at the time she had begun to rant against the "mainstream media" for their obvious bias and in particular she called out papers like the Washington Post and the New York Times. Then to go back and claim that she read any of those would appear hypocritical. Her answer then? To avoid being specific. The result? She comes off as dimwitted and dense which may or may not be the case but it's been a year; you still don't have an answer for us?

And speaking of bias in the media, Palin was quick to point out in her Oprah interview that she respected Obama for making quite clear to reporters that the children of candidates (his own and indirectly Palin's as well) were off-limits to the media. Palin said she respected him for stating that to the press but felt that she wasn't given the same degree of adherence as the Obama children. I can think of a simple reason. Think back to the campaign and think about how many times you saw Sasha and Malia Obama accompanying their father and mother in public. Now think about how many times you saw at least one of the Palin kids out and about with their mother. Even in her interview with Oprah almost every single clip or shot of her at home in Alaska included at least one of the children. So then is the media to blame for focusing on the children when they are with you all the time and you are taking them with you to any and all political functions?

Palin also spoke on the double standard that she felt was placed on her because she was a woman. She felt that questions regarding her ability given that she was a mother of five would somehow interfere with her ability to be an effective Vice President were unfair and biased. Again, given how much focus was given to the fact that she was a soccer mom and that she was involved with her kids and that she was involved in every aspect of their life then isn't it only right to ask if you were going to have enough time to devote to them and the country? And if you want to be treated fairly and taken seriously then you need to stop answering and acting like a beauty paegent contestant.

If a guy were to blow air kisses to the audience (and he wasn't European) I'm sure there would be a massive uproar over the fact that he did it. Don't you think there would be plenty of people ready to sue for sexual harassment if a male did such a thing? It's not media bias but based on how you carry yourself and how you behave. I could only compare her to IndyCar race driver Danica Patrick who also wrote a book a few years ago in which she made it clear that her gender should not be used as a crutch. She indicated that she did not want to be a sexual object but be considered a serious driver. That being the case then why would she willingly pose in a bathing suit for Sports Illustrated or several other publications? Why act in a sexually charged series of commercials for website service provider It's a case of having your cake and eating it too; Palin is much the same.

Many in the American public seem to appreciate Palin for her honesty and her stance on many issues and perhaps in four years the appeal for something different will be strong enough to make her a contender but for me, I would want to know if she's going to make a serious effort to become a contender or if she's going to continue to rely solely on the following she's generating based on her "golly-gosh-gee" attitude she loves showing to the public. If you want to be taken seriously then learn from your mistakes but more importantly admit to them. Don't write books meant to spread the blame to others, take responsibility and set a plan of action that you have for the future. It's clear now that Palin isn't going to quietly disappear so she might as well make an effort to fill herself with substance rather than vague generalities, like her answer to why she resigned as Governor of Alaska with time left in office. Don't play the poor innocent victim and then expect to be taken seriously.



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