Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Geeks and Nerds

Last night I went to see the new Superman movie, "Superman Returns". Ask my parents and they'll tell you that the two things I loved growing up were "Star Wars" and Superman. My fascination with one or the other would fluctuate but they both remain there to this day. As such I had been anticipating this movie for a long time. I had bought my ticket online and was fully prepared to undergo the usual bombardment of geekiness and nerdiness that typically accompanies a movie of this sort. Mind you, I have experienced it on several occasions and each time it has been different. I have been to the first showing of several major movies in the last decade or so and each experience has varied from quite sane to quite insane at times. I saw "Star Wars: Episode I" on the first day and had the usual number of fans with me. I saw "Titanic" on the first day and I had a bunch of normal people with me. But this leads to the interesting observation and conclusion that was reached last night at the theatre. There is a true difference between a geek and a nerd.

Now some people will find either term to be insulting, but for those of us who have had it applied to us can take heart in the fact that we aren't alone and that it's a much better title than 'loser'. So then, on to the discussion. Geeks in my mind are fans of a particular thing who don't take things to the extreme. What do I mean by that? Well, a number of geeks I encountered at the movie yesterday were rather quiet and subdued. They were dressed normally or at the most, were wearing a t-shirt or top that had the Superman logo on it. They quietly sat with friends or on their own. Those sitting with their friends talked about many things including the original movies, what they were up to at work, what their plans were for the weekend. A geek is what I would term as a casual fan who wants to enjoy the movie and move on with life.

Nerds on the other hand are a bit... well.... more. These are the guys (and girls) that you see dressed in the same t-shirts or even full costumes. They will be loud and boisterous to the point of obviously making attempts at drawing attention to themselves. The group who happened to be in our theatre were likely in their late teens to early 20's. There were several who were dressed up in costume (either just the shirt or the shirt and cape) though only one was dressed in a full Superman suit. Prior to the movie they all sat in back 'bum-bum-bum-bah-bah-ing' the original score. I love music and I love humming like that, but one thing. If you're going to hum and you're humming loud enough for others to 'enjoy' it; please make sure that at least you're in tune!

This bevy of nerdiness continued to draw attention to itself by loudly quizzing it's members on various bits of Superman lore. That in itself is nothing to complain about but when you hear statements such as, "Superman can defeat Mighty Mouse because Superman's powers are based on the sun and Mighty Mouse's are based on cheese! What if the cheese goes bad?" Coming from a five year old, I would peg it as being a logical and valid arguement. Coming from a 45-year-old to his 27-year-old friend? Now that's just plain scary. I have no problem with nerds, geeks, or fans; in fact they are often the most loyal and faithful friends you can ever have. My wariness comes from flaunting that level of affection to the point of making those around you a bit....ill.



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