Something Special
Sometimes it doesn't require a reason to do something special for someone. It doesn't have to be extravagant or showy. It doesn't have to be elegant or glamourous. It doesn't even have to be something tangible. But the fact that you are doing something unasked, or out of the goodness of your heart, or for the want of doing something is what makes it all the more special. It can be romantic or friendly. It can be heartfelt or just plain happy. Why? Because it is a good thing to do.
The world is full of cynics who look at all actions as being brought about out of the desire for something in return. The philosophy I follow is that if you choose to do something, do it for fulfilling the desire to do it and not because you desire the rewards for such an action. Living your life with that attitude can never lead to fulfillment or happiness. You'll never be satisfied because as you work harder, you'll expect bigger and bigger rewards, and if you don't receive what you feel you're owed, you either end up hating the fact that you did the action, or are so disappointed that you never feel the desire to help again.
It's totally understandable and not wholly unreasonable to feel that way. After all, we are all human. But consider what uncalled for random acts of kindness can do for someone. Helping someone stranded on the side of the road. Visiting a friend at the hospital. Raising someone's spirits if they're down. Helping someone by volunteering your time. Spending time with someone not seeking anything more than having a bit of companionship. All these things are what we should all seek to find in ourselves. It will make you feel better about yourself and the world around you. And in time, you'll find that more and more people will join the cause. You'll never run short on cynics but perhaps if we all band together, we can cut down on the numbers we see out there.
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