Monday, July 28, 2008

Are Aliens Among Us?

These days whenever you ask if 'aliens are among us' most people are quick to assume that you're inquiring about illegal immigrants or some such scenario. With so many other concerns in the world it's not surprising that the truth behind the question regarding extraterrestrials is forgotten and no one bothers to really examine it any more. I mean back during the 1990's when things seemed to be on an upswing and the economy and life was tending to settle down what with the end of the Cold War, people turned their attention back to the stars so to speak. Shows like "The X-Files" and such tended to shine more light on the possibility of a vast government conspiracy aimed at quashing the truth before it got out.

Now there are plenty of naysayers out there who are reluctant to believe that man has walked on the moon let alone that there are other forms of life out in the universe. To them we are the sole form of existance in this universe and that's that. I like to quote Carl Sagan in his thoughts that if we are the only form of intelligent life in the universe then that is truly a waste of space. Literally and figuratively. I am one of those dreamers that wants to believe that there are other forms of life out beyond the stars just waiting to visit us and show us their presence. Perhaps they have already visited us and we just don't know it. For centuries, man has reported lights in the skies or strange looking beings walking among us or visiting us. All manner of strange phenomena have touched most remote corners of the world leaving the populated areas virtually untouched by these cosmic visitors.

For a while it seemed that perhaps interest in this theory was dying out among the general population when lo and behold here comes 'definitive' word from one of NASA's own astronauts and one of the last men to walk on the moon, Edgar Mitchell. According to Mitchell, he clarifies his earlier statements that he recently made regarding the existance of extraterrestrials. According to him he has been in contact with some of those who claim to have been around or involved with the supposed UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico back in 1947. At that time it is rumored that an alien ship crashed and the US government found it only to cover up the whole thing and claim it was a weather balloon. The careers of many military personnel at the time were effectively ended when they tried to point out the inconsistencies with those claims and again, the public figured that it was just a bunch of crazies looking to cash in on some mundane incident.

But the statements by Mitchell, a respected astronaut and scientist have led some to wonder whether there is truly something behind these rumors. I myself wonder that at times. I simply wonder why though, if aliens do exist and do wish us to know or at least acknowledge their existance, why they tend to appear in such remote locations that no one ever encounters them and those that do are so eccentric and 'crazy' to begin with that no one wants to believe them. I'm not saying that aliens should pull an 'Independence Day' and show up one day hovering over our major cities but at the very least, if they start showing us signs that they exist then maybe that drive to discover the truth will be rekindled. Maybe this curiousity in me is partly driven by wanting to know what really is out there and perhaps some of the drive is egged on by my fascination with science fiction in general but I am hopeful that perhaps someday, the truth will truly come to light.

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