Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Join the Mayhem

After a week in San Francisco I returned to the east coast and realized I had yet to complete my Christmas shopping. I am usually quite ahead of the game and unlike most males my age, I'm often times done almost a full week and a half to two weeks before Christmas. I know that some would argue that that's still cutting it very fine but I usually go in knowing exactly what I'm getting and where I will find it. My dad refers to it as shopping with military precision. So without wanting to lose more time, I set out this evening with a plan in my head and the hope that there wouldn't be too much of a rush. By the time I set out from the gym it was late enough that I was hoping that the odd day of the week would mean less crowd but seeing as how there is less than a week to go, there was a crowd.

As always, I knew what I was looking for so I was able to gather the items in time. I next headed over to the dreaded line. At stores like Best Buy and such they have now made things much fairer by having a large line where everyone waits and cashiers call upon the customer as and when they're free. To me this means that not only do all customers have to wait, but cashiers handle a relatively equal number of customers as well. It can sometimes be aggravating standing in line for long lengths of time but it's part of the season and you eventually learn to live with it. As you stand you can do what I always enjoy doing and that is people watching.

You can see mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters all trying to figure out what to get one another. You can tell from the blank stares that they have no clue what the item in question is. I am especially intrigued in watching parents who are trying to figure out what video game to get their kids. With titles being similar, different consoles abounding, and so many varied ratings, it can be a chore choosing the right game. I try to lend a hand to parents in those instances because I know that their kids would appreciate getting the right thing on the day in question. I mean can you imagine seeing "A Christmas Story" with Ralphie actually ending up with a matching bunny nose for his bunny pajamas instead of the coveted Red Ryder bb gun (with compass in the stock and a thing that tells time?). I know; me neither.


At 10:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well how was your day before all the mayhem ;-) I'm sure you didn't anticipate the mayhem you had next year either!


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