Thursday, October 25, 2007

Optimism is a Way of Life

I like to think of myself as a 'glass-half-full type of guy', meaning I like to think that I am an optimistic person. Into every life a bit of pessimism falls but still, if you have a stronger optimistic epicenter then there is greater likelihood for retaining an optimistic point of view. And according to recent studies done jointly by New York University and University College of London there is a location within the brain that contains the region responsible for the optimistic outlook in life. What the study found was that in the brains of people who were more prone to optimism had brighter imaging in those areas versus those who were more prone to pessimism.

How this helps the rest of us I don't particularly know but for the pessimists it's yet another sign for them to get down and dreary about. I mean as if they didn't have enough to contend with now they have to contend with the fact that an area in the brain behind their eyes is not as bright as an optimists? That may be too much to take. But still, I think anyone can become an optimist, there is no clear cut formula or arguement to promote that it's a nature or nurture question either. I grew up in a household where optimism was a way of life. Both of my parents have had their share of adversity in their time but they have dealt with it in an upbeat and positive manner and that has made a tremendous difference for me whenever I have had to contend with similar problems in my life.

Now I don't count being extremely cheerful or upbeat at all times as being optimistic, it certainly helps but it isn't the only indicator of an optimist. In my time I have seen people in very dire circumstances who have always looked at the positive, no matter how small the positive may be. From my own experience, I have always looked at down times as part of the journey for heading back up. Having studied physics I remember the principle that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. That being said, if you're hitting a low point in life, embrace it because you will soon be hitting a high point. For an optimist that is the way to go. I think if you can spread enough of it around it can change the attitude around you as well.

Feelings are like absorbant towels; it sucks up everything that's around it. I have seen instances where one down and dour attitude managed to affect everyone. Conversely anyone who is positive in similar circumstances can lighten the mood for everyone else. I remember when my dad was in the hospital after his heart surgery in 2006, he kept a positive attitude throughout and as a result, despite the fact that the surgery was fairly serious, anyone who came to visit him never felt that he was in a dire situation. An attitude like that makes everyone feel better because they know that if the person undergoing the difficulty then they have nothing to worry about either.



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