Holiday Driving
So we are finally entering the part of the year when travel becomes more of a curse word than a pleasure. I have always been one who enjoys the journey almost as much as the destination but I can't ever admit to being one who enjoys some of the aggravations that occasionally pop up on the journeys. At this time of year one of the worst is holiday traffic. It always seems to me that at the time of year when most people are claiming to be at their happiest, they are their crabbiest when it comes to taking the road most travelled. I can't tell you the number of times I've been honked at or flipped off for doing nothing more than driving.
Now I'm not the type that purposely drives like a maniac with the intent of ticking someone off but what I think a lot of people do is assume that they are purposely being cut off or crowded on the road simply because. No other reason. Just because. I think all that happens is that at this time of year we expect there to be a lot of jerks on the roads and it ends up being a self-fulfilling prophesy. I mean think about it; how many times have you been on the road and when you're trying to merge into traffic you end up getting your openning in traffic blocked off by someone from behind. Or how many times has the rage built up in your mind when you're sitting waiting to make a left turn and the guy (or gal) in front of you is busy looking down and doesn't see that the light has turned green. You lean on the horn big time that time don't you?
Not that it isn't warranted sometimes but at others, just learn to relax rather than flip out. I know it's easier said than done but by flipping out, the wait isn't going to suddenly evaporate or delays won't suddenly clear up but at least you'll be of healthier mind and body if you don't let it get to you quite so much. I think one place I also would want to avoid this upcoming holiday season is the parking garage at the mall. I don't think I've seen a deadlier forms of combat this side of a war zone. People (and call me sexist), especially women, are probably among the most violent and vehement when it comes to parking disputes. I have seen grown women come close to blows just because they feel that they were denied a parking space. And half the time most of these women are little beings in huge gas-guzzling vehicles with loud horns. In such cases, no matter what you do you are sure to lose the arguement so the best thing to do is keep your head low or avoid the situation altogether.
I prefer the vast open surface parking at some malls. Sure it may be raining, or hailing or snowing but it doesn't matter. I would rather walk to the mall through horrid weather than sit stuck in a stream of cars waiting for someone at the head of the line who is waiting to turn into a parking space while a family with five kids, three strollers, thirty bags and two harassed parents is slowly trying to get their gear together and get in the car to get out of the mall parking lot. It's even worse when you realize that they aren't leaving and are just loading one batch of bags and are getting ready to go for another round of shopping. It's part and parcel of the season and though I dread it more and more frequently these days, I still enjoy some of the sights and sounds once I'm where I need to be.