When Being a Pastor Isn't Holy Enough
Now on the surface Rick Warren is a Pastor who has been attempting to remain as moderate as possible but it seems to have done nothing more than polarize opinion of him. Although he opposes gay marriage in his home state of California, he has fought to fund research into AIDS which many conservative Christians believe is a virus unleashed by God as a form of punishment. While many conservatives consider Islam an inherently evil religion and community, Warren has made efforts to reach out to the American Muslim community and has even given keynote speeches. On the surface he seems to be playing both sides but I think it is the right tact that needs to be taken if healing is to take place in our world.
Let's face it. No matter who Barack Obama chooses to do anything and everything related to his Administration, it is going to be viewed with more scrutiny than any other politician. Like it or not there are still lingering doubts with many Americans that Barack Obama is truly who he says he is. There are still those who steadfastly believe that he is a Muslim and even if he was, so what? As a Muslim wouldn't it be a sign of peace with other religions that he is asking a Christian to give the invocation at the inauguration? Has he even asked to take the oath of office on the Koran instead of the Bible? And so what if he did? Is that what is at issue or are all the other problems facing our nation of greater importance?
According to some who oppose Rick Warren, their objection is because he is not conservative enough a Christian to represent the Christian views of most conservative Americans. As far as I know, Rick Warren isn't going to represent any Christian conservative views at the White House. He is merely providing the invocation prayer at the inauguration and it should be left at that. It seems that whenever Barack Obama makes and effort to be sensitive to the concerns of the people, it's never good enough. He chooses a Republican for his Cabinet, the Republican isn't Republican enough, he chooses a Christian for his invocation and the Christian isn't Christian enough. I'm surprised people haven't complained about his nomination of Hillary Clinton as his Secretary of State. I'm sure after some of the women that have held the office in the past, they won't look at Hillary as not being 'woman' enough to handle the job.
It's sad to think that our society is becoming so cynical that no matter what our leaders do these days that we look for the deeper hidden meaning behind it. I know it is naive to think that there isn't some hidden political meaning behind a decision but then again we also have to realize that no matter what decision is made, someone is going to be ticked off about it. I think we all need to remember though that there are no 'perfect angels' in this world. Everyone; no matter how public or private in the real world, has some element of their past that will be enough to undergo tremendous scrutiny and upset someone in the establishment. I just wish we could get past these non-issues and let our government try to save the country from failure.